Inspiring Spiritual and Social Consciousness
Caroline Cottom, Ph.D., is a poet, book author, award-winning essayist, and spiritual teacher, who led the campaign to end nuclear testing in Nevada by building relationships with members of Congress based on love and respect. Her poetry has appeared in numerous literary journals, including The Main Street Rag, Santa Fe Literary Review, Two Hawks Quarterly, negative capability, Mandala Journal, Serving House Journal, and Silk Road, and was chosen for The 64 Best Poets of 2018, by Black Mountain Press. Her memoir, Love Changes Things, Even in the World of Politics, chronicles her work as leader of the coalition that helped end nuclear testing in Nevada.
Caroline lives in Greensboro, North Carolina, with her husband and co-author/co-spiritual teacher Thom Cronkhite and their cats, Suki and Shanti. Thom and Caroline spent 15 years in Fiji, Ecuador, and Mexico, where they taught meditation and peacemaking skills to government leaders and people in all walks of life. While in Fiji, Caroline created a spiritual and character development program called “Seeds of Success,” which is now taught in high schools, job training programs, and mental hospitals to thousands of Fijians each year. Also in Fiji, Caroline and Thom authored The Isle of Is: A Guide to Awakening, published by The Center Within.
Formerly on the faculty of Vanderbilt University and Watkins School of Art&Design, Caroline teaches personal essay and other writing courses in community settings. She is a writing consultant, moderator for the GoodReads group “Love and Social Change” with over 4,500 members, and facilitator of Artist’s Way groups.